4th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora
Deadline for papers: Extended to 11 April 2011
Submission: https://www.softconf.com/acl2011/comparable/
Submission: https://www.softconf.com/acl2011/comparable/
and FLaReNet (Fostering Language Resources Network)
The theme of the workshop will be “Comparable Corpora and the Web”. Nevertheless we solicit contributions to other topics as well, including the following:
- Building Comparable Corpora:
- Human translations
- Automatic and semi-automatic methods
- Methods to mine parallel and non-parallel corpora from the Web
- Tools and criteria to evaluate the comparability of corpora
- Parallel vs non-parallel corpora, monolingual corpora
- Rare and minority languages
- Across language families
- Multi-media/multi-modal comparable corpora
- Applications of comparable corpora:
- Human translations
- Language learning
- Cross-language information retrieval & document categorization
- Bilingual projections
- Machine translation
- Writing assistance
- Mining from Comparable Corpora:
- Extraction of parallel segments or paraphrases from comparable corpora
- Extraction of bilingual and multilingual translations of single words and multi-word expressions; proper names, named entities, etc.
11 April 2011 | Deadline for submission |
29 April 2011 | Notification |
6 May 2011 | Final version |
24 June 2011 | Workshop |
Submissions should follow the ACL HLT 2011 length and formatting requirements for long papers of six to eight (6–8) pages of content with two (2) additional pages of references, found at http://www.acl2011.org/call.shtml. They should be submitted as PDF documents to the following address:
For further information, please contact
Pierre Zweigenbaum mailto:pz(erase_at)limsi(erase_dot)fr
Plain-text CFP : bucc2011-cfp.txt
PDF CFP : bucc2011-comparable-corpora.pdf
Last modified: Date: 2011/05/19 00:02:21 (Revision: 1.13 )